Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sense of Life

And it was not deficient
With the shortness of breath
It came through death
The sense of Life.

The sense of Life
Always brewed
Often in disguise
Muffled - untold.

When you were not there
I felt the pangs - ah! another
When I was missing
It went past a hugging
That my deprived eyes beheld.

Just that pain did not realize
That within the cloak of
Every hour deprived
Brewed through solitude
A cry unrealized
And through moments unspent with you,
It was not Life always I choose
It was You.

~ A.

the kiss

...... and
which part
of your body
my kiss
adorn best ?
should it be the navel
or the thigh
or the deep set cleft
on your chin
or the parting
where the buttocks meet
and where on our last meeting
when I nibbled,
you had shrieked
should it be
the way the
age old ritual began
where my lips
pondered all over
guided by the
sight of smell
discovering the fragrant striations
as they varied and
helping my way to your lips
from where
I could fix my bewildered gaze
into your deep
dark eyes.

~ A

Too wide a gap to bridge.......

There are acts
Entangled in the depravity
Of memory's cravings
Which the Body
And the Living mind
Often refuses to attest


Which do not reflect
On the living consciousness
As any event of substance
Which are libraries
Of echoing bliss
When observed-relived
In solitude.

Its the impedance of reflection
That is a passion
And not
The acts of ignorance.
~ A.


In the solitude
Of your shade
Interspersed with
The Light of Sun
Focusing my sight
Into abstraction
To break the sonance
Of hum drum around
Into rainbow of tones
With individual sounds
Distinctly heard
By fixing a focus
On one at a time.

My mind has slowed
By a bit to
Aid perception.
I am yet not able to
Hear the sound of wind
As it frills around the
Dried leaves
Stirring the blades
Of grass and entwining
The warmth of my skin
With a caress, a touch.
~ A.

Friday, March 14, 2014


While those reciprocating,
fiddle the ensnared stimuli
and the dead-to-acts,
declare, that its just
all a loose, concocted,
combined chemical and
mechanical processes
enmeshed consciousness-prodding
is what we know
While the dead-to-acts
unwind the flawless-entwines
and dispersing-disappear
space-memory-time and
with the writs of breath rejected
ignite, enthralled in a dimension
body-less, time-less, friend-less
often known as death is

~ A